We have recently anticipated that some of the deadlines on European projects of these and the coming months could be postponed Due to the ongoing health crisis: activity restrictions apply to Europrojectors and proposing organizations, but also to the services of the European Commission, which may have difficulties and delays in handling user requests and updating relevant information.

The European Commission’s own calls portal these days carries a disclaimer to this effect: Please note that due to the measures related to the COVID-19 outbreak our IT Helpdesk works in non-standard remote operation, which could introduce some handling delays.

A similar note is shown on the homepage of the Infobandi service to which our Guide refers, which highlights (where possible) changes in call deadlines.

Many of the deadlines reported in our previous post on this topic have been postponed.

In the same way, the deadline for many recent and interesting calls under the Justice Program has been moved: combating violence, combating discrimination, combating gender differences, combating manifestations of hatred and intolerance, rights related to European citizenship, and protecting victims and suspects of crime. Currently, the deadline for all these calls is April 15. More advanced (May 13) is the deadline in the call for capacity building in child protection.

We also highlight two interesting calls under Creative Europe: for support for film festivals (deadline April 23) and for support for co-creation and co-production in the music sector (deadline April 30).

Of particular note is the call for the 2020 European Health Prize, dedicated to the topic of vaccination and healthy lifestyles (deadline April 29) and in general the 2020 calls of the Health Program (deadline June 3).

As always, but more than ever in this time of particular turbulence, we urge you to refer to original sources to find documentation and reliable information on call due dates.

Happy European planning to all!