In line with other recent events that have been quite successful, we offer a roundup of some important community calls that are due in the coming weeks and months.

This is a partial and thematic selection: don’t forget to regularly consult the Centro Servizi Volontariato’s infobandi service from our homepage, from which you can check active calls sorted by deadline, sector, country, beneficiary or keyword.

In this period we particularly remember several deadlines on Erasmus+ program: see the text of the 2019 call and the annual work program of Erasmus+! Among the main ones we mention in particular:

Applications for various mobility and dialogue actions also under Erasmus+ also expired on Feb. 12:

Finally, the period is full of appointments for those wishing to participate in collaboration, volunteering, internship, exchange and mobility initiatives within the European Solidarity Corps: check out the 2019 call text and related Guide! Deadlines for the period include in particular:

Good work and good participation!