What does it mean to originate and coordinate a European project? A very broad and very frequent question, which our Guide tries to answer. But fortunately we are not alone!

As we have explored in previous posts in this column, there are many additional sources that provide simple, quality materials on thebusiness of europlanning.

Some of these materials are produced as part of specific Community Programs, perhaps little known, or by specific Executive Agencies of the European Commission, but they may be of great interest to anyone dealing or planning to deal with European projects.

Such is the case with a series of video tutorials offered by theEuropean Commission’s Executive Agency for Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Safety (CHAFEA) on its Health Program pages. Organized into two introductory animations and six thematic animations, the video tutorials illustrate some particularly important points of europlanning activity:

Not bad, is it?

You can find the eight video tutorials here. They are in English, but accompanied by very effective illustrative animations.

Enjoy your viewing!