Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia has joined the network of foundations that together with Acri support the Europlanning Guide.

Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio Perugia becomes partner in Europlanning Guide

This valuable and evolving tool aims to spread awareness of the many opportunities offered by European planning, an area in which the same Foundation has been active with tools and resources to gather and transform good ideas into concrete projects that have the ability to attract funds and bring “wealth” and knowledge.


Cassa di Risparmio Perugia Foundation and Europlanning Guide together for the area

Participation in the Guide is also intended to stimulate co-design activities with other entities in our area, so as to become a hub, a reference point for building together with various actors a fertile ground for economic development and people’s welfare.

This choice is within the strategy adopted long ago with the aim of responding quickly and flexibly to the main needs of the community.

Cassa di Risparmio Perugia Foundation: areas of intervention

In all areas of intervention, from labor to research, from social solidarity to the promotion of the territory and artistic heritage, the Foundation accompanies its disbursement activities with paths of sharing, mentoring and consulting, with an eye always on major national and European issues.