The team supporting the Europlanning Guide is growing in size and rich in sensitivity and expertise. Let’s find out about the Cariverona Foundation together.

The Guide to Europlanning, a big family

The purpose of the Europlanning Guide is to bring the territories of Italy closer to Europe (and vice versa), providing information and support capable of strengthening skills and creating development opportunities. It is a goal we share with our partners, who are growing in number. Let’s find out together: the Europlanning Guide is but one aspect of their efforts. Today we introduce the Cariverona Foundation.

A great foundation for a great territory

The work of the Cariverona Foundation affects a catchment area of nearly three million of people living in the five provinces of Verona, Vicenza, Belluno, Ancona e Mantua. A continuous process of listening, dialogue and confrontation at the local and international level allows Fondazione Cariverona to maintain a strong link with the realities that live every day in its territory, which is large and spreads over three different regions.

Cariverona Foundation and Europlanning Guide: a common mission

Since 1991 to date, the Foundation has supported some 23,000 initiatives, with a total amount of more than 1,760 million euros and a common thread: the idea of “building capacity” to successfully address major social challenges. A vision that promotes the energy and value of the organizations, women and men who act, plan and network in its territories. A mission that the Europlanning Guide also picks up and carries on, day after day and “page” after “page.”

Cariverona Foundation, a natural partnership with Europlanning Guide

Like other foundations of banking origin, and especially in the context of the new European programming 2021-2027, the Cariverona Foundation is a hub of relations between the territory and European programs. Fondazione Cariverona facilitates development for its target entities, public-private collaboration, and (through the Guide) access to the knowledge needed to bring third-sector entities closer to European planning.

This role fits well with the 3 current strategic goals of the Cariverona Foundation, which in turn are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030:

  1. Protection, Environmental Care and Land Development;
  2. Enhancement of Human Capital and Promotion of Opportunities for Youth;
  3. Social Innovation, Wellbeing, Quality of Life for the Promotion of Inclusive and Cohesive Communities.

Calls and projects for all

Find out about the Cariverona Foundation’s calls, projects and activities here – as well as the history of what the Cariverona Foundation has accomplished from its inception to the present.

His renewed commitment to European funds may give an extra gear to his action in the territory, and his contribution an extra gear to our Guide.