Held in Mantua, on the occasion of the 11th edition of ArtLab 2016, “What’s cooking in Brussels?” the meeting dedicated to the main issues on the agenda of the European Commission and the European Parliament with the aim of planning incisive advocacy actions.

Here are the topics covered:

-Bankability of intellectual property rights. -Creative Europe: Mid Term Evaluation -2018: European Year of Cultural Heritage – “Draft report on a coherent EU policy for cultural and creative industries.”

Behind the leadership of Ugo Bacchella (Fitzcarraldo Foundation), speakers included:

Cristina Loglio (President of the Mibact technical table “Creative Europe Program”) Silvia Costa (President of the Committee on Culture and Education of the European Parliament) Luigi Morgano (Member Committee on Culture and Education, European Parliament) Erminia Sciacchitano (Policy Officer – European Commission, DG Education and Culture)