Webinars will be recalculated due to the institutional crisis that is unfolding in these hours

Updated July 18, 2022

Webinars scheduled for July and September, with the theme “Structural Funds, Strategies and Opportunities for the Nonprofit Sector,” and devoted respectively to the five priorities of European regional policy (a smarter, greener, more connected, more social, and closer Europe) will be recalculated due to the institutional crisis that is unfolding at this time. We talked about it here , in a post we just updated.

In fact, these are training meetings on European and national financial planning for the next seven-year period, with ministries among the implementing parties. Unfortunately, the institutional situation is constantly evolving and does not allow representatives to be able to confirm their participation until this situation is clarified.

The July 6 webinar had already been postponed until the fall due to updates coming in September. In light of recent political events, this new shift is therefore necessary to ensure the same quality as previous meetings.

We thank you for your understanding and look forward to further institutional developments so that we can give communication regarding the new fall dates.