During August many new calls for proposals came out, in almost all Italian regions and on some major European programs. Let’s find out together.

Our new Tenders Portal

Our Call for Tenders Portal is one of the important new features of our Guide. The Calls Portal aids consultation of upcoming calls for proposals, offering a selection of European, regionally and nationally managed and territorial cooperation programs. The Portal allows you to sort calls by type, by program, by due date, by publication date, and by keyword. We will continue to offer a periodic review with a summary of the main news. You will find all notices on the appropriate Portal.

Go to the Tenders portal.


Highlights from August, in our regions.

We begin our review by pointing out the new notices published at the regional level:

There remain, of course, a large number of “over-the-counter,” long-duration or periodic calls open in almost all Italian regions, as well as the Alcotra, EURO-MED and Southern Adriatic Territorial Cooperation calls (with very short deadlines).


August news from national and community programs

We also point out other calls launched under some national and EU programs:

Finally, the various LIFE and CERV calls launched in the spring, which have already been posted on our platform, expire soon (September-October). We invite you to use the official Funding&Tenders page directly for the open calls of the Horizon Europe program. Good work to all, with the support of our new calls portal.