We analyze the new Horizon Work Program and the contents of related Infodays. APRE devotes next week to Infodays specifically for Italian beneficiaries.

An update on Horizon Europe (actually, three).

We have already devoted several updates to the Horizon Europe program, and with good reason: it is by far the largest of the directly managed EU programs and is a unique opportunity for innovators of all kinds , even in fields not directly related to science and technology.

We had already reported on the Infodays and the 2021-2022 work program, as well as the guide and video resources produced by the Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE).

It is now time for a new update: in fact 1) in December the new work program for the years 2023-2024, 2) have recently taken place the Commission Infoday European and 3) yes Will take place shortly (next week) the Infoday dedicated to Italy, curated by the APRE Agency.

Let’s find out together the most interesting points of all these new features. Let’s go in order.


Horizon Europe’s 2023-2024 program.

In December was published the new Horizon Europe work program, which is “worth” 13.5 billion euros over the two-year period 2023-2024 (compared to a total allocation of 95.5 billion over the entire seven-year period).

The work program 2023-2024 is organized as follows:

The new work program presents special attention to the following priorities:

(*) We take this opportunity to remind you that the call for applications for the 2023 New European Bauhaus award. . The announcement has a January 31 deadline and meets the initiative’s motto of “beautiful, sustainable, together.” It has three sections (established projects; young talent; Bauhaus in education) and four categories (contact with nature; sense of belonging; prioritizing places and people who need it most; circular industrial ecosystem and life cycle thinking).


European Commission Infodays.

Infodays on Horizon Europe are organized with some frequency, as the considerable breadth of the program necessitates a variety of dedicated in-depth moments. A new series of Infodays was launched in conjunction with the presentation of the new work program in December. The main appointments already completed include:

Also recently completed or in progress are the Infodays for the remaining areas:


APRE’s Infodays

L’ Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE) , the national contact point for the program, is devoting all of next week to a series of Info Days specifically organized for Italian beneficiaries of Horizon Europe.

The events will be held online from January 23 to 27 and, as reported by the organizers, will be “complementary to those of the European Commission, going to make the picture of information complete and exhaustive.”, contributing “to shed light on key aspects for successful national participation in the 2023 calls for proposals.”, along with several European Commission officials and national delegates.

The sessions, which will be spread over a five-day program, will cover the 6 Clusters of Horizon Europe (1. Health, 2. Culture, creativity and inclusive society, 3. Social security, 4. Digital, industry and space, 5. Climate, energy and mobility, and 6. Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment) and the other components of the program. “Focus of the sessions the presentation of the 2023 Work Programs, complemented by a look at the results of the first two years of Horizon Europe and an overview of the initiatives related to the individual themes. During the individual Cluster sessions, new EU Missions and European Partnerships calls will be discussed where they present available or upcoming calls and are of strategic interest.”.

All information is available on APRE’s web page dedicated to the event . Here is the full program and following are the main points of the program, day by day:

Jan. 23 ( detailed agenda ): 10:30 – 13:00 : Institutional opening 14:30 – 16:00 : EURATOM 16:00 – 17:30 : Infrastructure for research

Jan. 24 ( detailed agenda ): 10:30 – 13:00 : 1. Health 14:00 – 16:00 : Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) 16:00 – 18:00 : 2. Culture, creativity and inclusive society

January 25 ( detailed agenda ): 10:30 – 13:00 : 4. Digital, industry and space 14:00 – 16:00 : Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

January 26 ( detailed agenda ): 10:30 – 13:00 : 5. Climate, energy and mobility 14:00 – 16:00 : European Innovation Council and European Ecosystems for Innovation (EIC/EIE) 16:00 – 18:00 : Enlargement and strengthening of the European Area for Research (WIDERA)

Jan. 27 ( detailed agenda ): 10:30 – 13:00 : 6. Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment

This is the link for registration: LINK