For many of us, the summer months are a time of travel and discovery, taking us to new and distant countries.

Perhaps not everyone knows, however, that beyond the borders of the European Union there are also plenty of opportunities to carry out community projects, bringing our skills and commitment to Europlanning in the service of the planet’s development!

The time is particularly auspicious to address this issue: August 19 is World Humanitarian Day, which is meant to remember all the dedicated and supportive workers and citizens who help millions of people around the world every day.

Our Guide presents some of the most interesting opportunities in the sections on External Cooperation Programs (direct link to related funding page here) and the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (direct call link).

But on this occasion we also want to mention projects in the areas of civil defense and humanitarian aid and the recently established European Solidarity Corps, which offers young people opportunities to work or volunteer, in their own country or abroad, on projects designed to help communities and populations.

Certainly these are excellent food for thought for our summer…see you in September and as always good European planning!