The following have recently been approved 120 new projects under the LIFE program, selected from over 1250 presented in the 2019 call in April last year: more than 280 million euros earmarked for the environment, resource efficiency, nature, biodiversity, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and governance and information in all these areas.

Progetti programma LIFE

The selected projects have a broad and ambitious goal: to realize the European “Green Deal,” supporting the EU Biodiversity Strategy and Circular Economy Action Plan, boosting green recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, helping Europe become a climate-neutral continent by 2050 and beyond.

The press release offers a summary of all the selected projects, which can provide excellent inspiration for your future projects. Here for example are those submitted by Italian organizations.

You can find even more about the LIFE project database, the selection of the best LIFE projects of each year, the geo-referenced program portal, the interactive map of “Natura 2000” sites, and the program library.

Happy reading.