Update 24/02/2020: Due to the ongoing health emergency, the “The Europe We Want” event has been postponed to another date. Further communications will follow.

Brexit, migration and global challenges, growth and jobs, climate change and sustainable development, representation and participatory democracy, philanthropy, institutions and the third sector, European values and identity…and again, a new European Parliament, a new Commission, and a new financial framework in the making.

We live in a very important period of crucial choices for the future of Europe!

Where will they take us and most importantly, what is the Europe we want?

This will be discussed on Monday, February 24 at 3 p.m. at Officine Grandi Riparazioni in Turin in a meeting entitled:

Download the program : THE EUROPE WE WANT – A reflection on the future that awaits us .

L’Hon. David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, will present a report titled “The Time for Choices,” accompanied by speeches from representatives of a number of actors who have long been committed to promoting local development and European values: the Fondazione CRT (one of the sponsoring bodies of the our Guide), the University of Turin, theEuropean Foundation Centre and the magazine Social Updates.

The meeting, which will be attended by more than 200 representatives from institutions, academia, culture, society and production in the area, is organized by the CRT Foundation with theUniversity of Turin and the Federico Peirone Study Center.

We will tell you about the main topics discussed and the most interesting reflections from the meeting in a future post.

You can follow the event via live streaming at www.fondazionecrt.it: the direct link will be available on the Fondazione CRT home page starting at 3 p.m. Participate in large numbers!