For you, a review of new European calls for proposals for November 2024, posted as always on our Calls Portal.
European calls for proposals 2024: The European programs
The main changes from European programs include:
- The Single Market Program (SMP), with calls specifically for innovation for SMEs and the tourism sector;
- Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV), with the two calls on City Networks and Citizen Participation;
- Erasmus+, with two Erasmus Mundus calls (Joint Masters and Design Measures);
- Creative Europe, with a call for the music sector;
- The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, with a call for prevention and awareness of risks related to irregular migration.
Other calls (already posted on our portal) under these same programs (SMP, CERV, Erasmus+ and Creative Europe) and under the LIFE, Digital Europe and EU4Health programs are also open and coming soon.
European Calls for Proposals 2024: The Structural Funds
Italian regions and autonomous provinces active in publishing new calls for proposals in November were Abruzzo, Calabria, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Lombardy, Bolzano, Piedmont, Puglia, Sicily, Tuscany, Umbria, Valle d’Aosta and Veneto. We highlight in particular the Tuscany Region’s calls in the area of digital, enterprise and entrepreneurship. We have updated the expiration dates of some of the calls of the Piedmont and Tuscany Regions.
However, we recommend referring to the official websites, which are updated more frequently and also include information on other calls of interest with different funding sources (NRP and regional funds).
Good research, on the Calls Portal
As a reminder, our Calls Portal allows you to filter opportunities by due date, by program (or Region) and by keyword-you can browse dozens of other opportunities that have already been published and are still active.