May and June are two months full of opportunities for exchange with the European Commission in various thematic areas. In particular, “European Weeks” and “European Days” are prime opportunities for actors involved in a particular field to meet: officials in charge of developing European policies and programs, organizations from all countries, possible partners, testimonials and bearers of successful ideas.

There are “Europeanweeks” and “European days” really for everyone! Some are of particular relevance and visibility because they are organized directly by European institutions, are now an established tradition and have a very broad thematic scope.

Others are more recent, cover a more specific area, and are carried out by other European organizations under the sponsorship or support of the Commission.

Many “European weeks” take place during this period, which, along with autumn, is the most concentrated time for this type of event.

Here are the main ones for you!

European Youth WeekApril 29-May 5, 2019Quest European Week(held every two years) celebrates and promotes youth activities. It envisages a major event in Brussels (open mainly to young people, project participants, youth organizations and institutional representatives) and a series of parallel events organized in all countries participating in the Erasmus+ program. The site presents materials, photos, project cards and videos of the last completed event.

Green WeekMay 13-17, 2019It is by definition the pivotal event for players active in the environmental sector. It takes place annually in May in Brussels, with side events in many European cities, organized in partnership with national and local organizations. A detailed report of this year’s edition and the previous one can be browsed online. In Italy alone, 20 events related to Green Week were organized between April and June!

European Public Health WeekMay 13-17, 2019A week dedicated to all public aspects of “being well” was organized for the first time this year, open to all health professionals and stakeholders. The event website allows visitors to explore the main themes in depth through simple topic sheets and to access materials developed on the various days. Many side events were organized in the various countries of Europe and in Italy.

European Sustainable Development WeekMay 30-June 5, 2019This initiative promotes the organization of activities geared toward sustainable development (in its various dimensions, as defined by the international community) and to make these efforts visible on a common platform. The site allows users to browse the various side events organized over the years in various European countries as part of the Week, which are the heartbeat of the initiative.

European Civil Society DaysJune 12-13, 2019A moment of reflection organized by the Economic and Social Committee (particularly close to civil society actors). The topics covered are multidisciplinary: fundamental rights and freedoms, democracy, participation and citizenship, solidarity and equality, development, environment and social justice. This year’s edition(video) takes place at an important time for these issues(Sibiu Summit and European Parliament elections).

European Development DaysJune 18-19, 2019These Days are the signature event for those interested or involved in the world of development cooperation. They have been held for 12 years: here are the main contents of the previous editions, each dedicated to a macro-theme of particular relevance and declined in thematic paths. The event features speeches, workshops, a large networking space(Global Village) and youth initiatives(Youth Inclusion / Young Leaders).

European Sustainable Energy WeekJune 17-21, 2019The benchmark event in the energy sector, focusing specifically on energy efficiency and renewable energy. It is accompanied by a series of parallel events throughout Europe, Energy Days: you can check out more than 20 events organized in Italy this year. Materials of the initiative, the program and the opportunity to watch videos of the meetings are available online (those from the 2018 and 2017 editions are already available).

Innovative Enterprise WeekJune 19-21, 2019In recent years (since 2015), the rotating presidency of theEuropean Union (for example, this year, the Romanian presidency) and the European Commission have been dedicating a Week to the theme of innovative enterprise, exploring the links between research, innovation, technology, competitiveness, investment, economic development opportunities, and responding to global challenges. The week may be every six months (following the alternation of the presidency).