Even in summer, European calls for proposals do not go on vacation! In keeping with a well-established tradition, we remind you of the most important community calls due in summer 2019, with many exciting opportunities.
Don’t forget that from our homepage you can access the Infobandi service made available by CSVnet and Acri, where you will find all the European calls for proposals expiring this and much more!
Many calls in this period concern the world of innovation in its various forms: enterprise, social innovation, cultural and creative industries:
- EASI program (employment and social innovation):Exchange for personnel from small and medium-sized enterprises (call for applications due on Sept. 17 )Social innovation and national reforms (call for proposals due on Sept. 10 )
- Creative Europe Program:Cultural and creative industries pilot project (call for proposals due on Aug. 12 )
- Horizon2020 Program:European Network for Open Innovation in Advanced Technologies (deadline Aug. 1)European Association for SME Innovation (opening Sept. 3, deadline in January)
But interesting calls are also open in the areas of social inclusion, citizenship and health:
- Erasmus+ program:Monitoring and mentoring youth at risk of radicalization through sports (call for proposals due on July 23 )
- Europe for Citizens program:Civil Society Projects, Town Twinning and City Networks (call for proposals due on Sept. 2 )
- Health Program:Call for Proposals 2019, on topics related to rare diseases and reducing the use of antimicrobials (call deadline on Sept. 10 )
… and as always, it is but a small selection of community calls for proposals that are expiring. Happy planning to all!