Next March 20, the launch event of the largest contest European social innovation, European Social Innovation Competition: leading European representatives in innovation, business and policy will announce the competition theme for 2018, officially opening this year’s competition.

If you are interested in the topic, it is a unique opportunity!

How does it work? The theme for 2017 was. “Equality rebooted” (Restart equality). The competition focused on harnessing new technologies to bridge social gaps and was held in three stages:

The themes change each year: integration of migrants and refugees (2016); growth and social progress (2015); new types of jobs that can address social priorities (2014); and new ways to create quality jobs (2013).

More information about the 2018 edition, which will be presented at the March 20 event, will be available soon.

Register here (registration is open until March 6); alternatively, you can follow it through twitter or the dedicated website , where the event agenda, theme and rules for participation in the contest . You can also keep up to date by subscribing to the newsletter of the European Social Innovation Competition.

May the best man win!