On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2015, the results of the European project STRING – Smart Tourist Routes for Inclusive Groups, of which CRT Foundation is a part, will be presented in Asti on December 10. Specifically, the innovative “String Box” will be presented, which taking a cue from the well-known “Smart Box” will be distributed in seven different countries and will contain tourism proposals for All in these three geographical areas.

In fact, the transnational cooperation activity among 12 organizations from 7 different countries develops accessible routes located in Piedmont (Italy), Avila (Spain) and Sozopol (Bulgaria), respectively. STRING is the winning project of the European Call for Proposals Design, implementation, promotion and marketing of accessible tourism itineraries from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry (EU Call for Proposals 102/G/ENT/PPA/13/511).

STRING comes to life thanks to the bridging role that the CRT Foundation has played by developing a fruitful relationship between organizations in its area, such as the Council of People in Difficulty, the lead partner of the STRING project, and organizations in other countries working in the area of accessibility and tourism issues, as in the case of those adhering to the League of Historical and Accessible Citiesinitiative under the European Foundation Center.

STRING’s presentation is in the broader context of the conference “Tourism for All: Autonomy Wins.” Issues related to Tourism for All with a view to full accessibility and welcome, will be addressed by national and international figures including blogger Rotex (Vanity Fair) and Jesus Hernandez-Galan (Once Foundation) and a member of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Following the conference will be a presentation of BookingAble.com, a web platform and booking engine where to promote and market Tourism For All products to both the end public and with respect to Tour Operators.

“Piedmont for All 2015 by Turismabile,” a photography contest aimed at people with physical or sensory disabilities, will also be presented and the winners announced. The initiative, which was created as an action to raise awareness on the issues of disability and Tourism for All, involves the awarding of three complimentary “For All” tour packages in Piedmont for two people.

To close the event, a performance by the “Buffoni di Corte,” a Turin-based theater company that involves boys and girls with down syndrome, will be staged in the evening on the striking stage of Stage 19. The company will stage the play “The Migrant’s Inn.”