In order to encourage the participation of local entities in European calls for proposals, the Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo Foundation has been publishing, starting in 2013, an annual call for proposals to partially cover the design costs of applying to directly and indirectly managed European calls for proposals.

The call for proposals is part of a broader strategy of the Foundation, geared toward ensuring that, through project and grant-making activities, it is possible to help attract resources from entities other than the Foundation to the area that are of strategic value for local development.

Under the call, applications may be submitted by Foundation-eligible entities based in the province of Cuneo that operate in the Foundation’s sectors and areas of focus and are the lead entity or partner in a network established for the purpose of participating in a European project.

Each eligible institution is eligible for only one grant per year as a result of applications submitted on this notice.

It is possible to apply for a grant to partially cover the design costs of an initiative to be applied to a specific European call for proposals, whether directly or indirectly managed, provided that the call for proposals is already open or can be expected, based on documentation from European institutions, to be published within a certain timeframe.

The Foundation is committed to evaluating applications as quickly as possible to ensure its possible support in time for participation in European calls for proposals.

Regarding the results of the call for proposals, 34 grants have been approved since 2013 to partially cover the costs of European planning, totaling about 220,000 euros.

Of the 34 funded projects, 2 were accepted and 4 were not accepted by entities managing European resources, of 27 a response is still awaited, in one case the beneficiary declined to submit the European application and the grant was withdrawn.

The call for proposals is published at the beginning of each year and remains open until December 31, unless available resources are exhausted.

The new notice will be published next January2016.