We have devoted recent posts to online training and self-training materials and the Capacity4Dev platform.

Today we want to supplement the reports already provided with some other interesting self-training materials found in the EU in the field of development cooperation.

The relevance of these materials goes beyond the specific field for which they were created: after all, many of the tools created for development cooperation (including the Logical Framework) have subsequently been adopted in other areas of Europlanning.

The Sustainable Development Goals and the related approach based on precise and shared indicators (to cite another example) are also gaining more relevance somewhat across the board… we will devote an in-depth study to this soon!

Let us first recall, for completeness, the set of materials on Capacity4Dev:

Sectoral topics: agriculture and rural development; Biodiversity and ecosystems; childhood and youth; civil society; Climate change and environmental disasters; culture; democracy; economy and public finance; education; employment and vocational training; energy; environment and green economy; fishing; nutrition and food security; gender; governance and corruption; health; human rights; ICT and space; justice; migration and asylum; peace and security; private sector development; Public policy, reform and decentralization; social protection; Sustainable forest management; trade and regional integration; transportation; urban development; water and sanitation;

Horizontal themes: aid effectiveness; Types of support; financial support; capacity building; communication; design; development policies; Fragility, crisis and resilience; global citizenship; humanitarian aid; innovative finance; knowledge sharing; learning; monitoring and evaluation; research;

Sections: Groups (132); Projects (56 in all); Articles (631); “wiki” pages (2116); Discussions (6810); News (222); Documents (15830); Events (2188); Registered Members (27304).

But above all, in these days when self-training initiatives are a necessity and an opportunity, we would like to point out the very large amount of materials on the DEVCO Academy platform, which was created on the basis of the positive experience of Capacity4Dev and organized on the basis of the same thematic areas:

The resources do not end there, however!

The Capacity4Dev YouTube channel is particularly extensive and full of talks, testimonials and seminars divided by topic-a much-needed addition to the list of YouTube channels provided in our previous post on this topic. This channel is full of self-education insights for anyone interested in learning about the latest in approaches to development projects, programming and policies.

All materials from DEVCO Academy, Capacity4Dev and the related YouTube channel are in English. Some materials are available in French, Spanish and Portuguese.

From these resources you can access many hours of quality training and insights. In addition to the relevance of the topics and themes, knowing about the experiences and practices adopted outside Europe, by European and non-European experts and organizations, provides us with unquestionable added value in dealing with the design and execution of our projects.

Good training to all!