It has been just over a week since our last post, in which we anticipated the likely restrictions on events this spring due to the spread of Coronavirus(Covid-19). Since then, much has changed in Italy, Europe and around the world.

All spheres are affected, politics, work and the daily lives of each of us.The world of European projects is no exception, and we want to bring our small contribution with some informative insights.

We take this opportunity to express our solidarity with all communities and families affected by the epidemic. We bring our thanks to all those who are working every day to alleviate its effects: doctors, researchers, nurses and health workers, transporters and cleaners, authorities and law enforcement, trade, industry and service workers, and in general, all responsible citizens who are living through this period with a high sense of civic duty.

The news from Europe is not comforting: the epidemic is spreading throughout EU countries, which are severely restricting travel to contain the infection. The external borders of the European Union have been closed (except in exceptional cases) and travel is now limited to the essentials within the Schengen area itself.

It is very important to live even difficult times with calm, clarity and serenity. As per our tradition and in line with this principle, we present below some useful and reliable sources from which to find information.

What about European projects? Although many of the referenced sites are not yet up to date, it is likely that upcoming events planned in Europe will be cancelled, moved, or done by teleconference. Some of the deadlines related to European projects may be extended to meet the increased operational difficulties of proponents and European Commission departments.

Some new interventions were quickly launched to address the emergency. The pages of major European programs(Horizon2020, Creative Europe, Erasmus+…) present news on this topic.

Europlanners, like everyone else, are also watching the situation unfold and living these days with commitment and responsibility!