The return from summer break brings new interesting community projects to devote ourselves to! In addition to inviting you to stay up-to-date through the Infobandi service offered by CSVnet starting from the homepage of our Guide, we respect the custom and point out some European calls for proposals due in fall 2019.

To best welcome the first days of autumn, we focus in particular on some specific opportunities in the areas of social responsibility, media and culture.

Happy reading and good luck with upcoming deadlines!

European calls for proposals expiring in arts and culture:

Platforms for cultural content innovation (due September 20)Cinemas as innovation hubs for local communities (due September 25)Mobility scheme for artists and/or cultural professionals (due September 27)(with other interesting calls due in October and November)

Expiring community calls in social responsibility and SMEs:

SME mobility program (due Sept. 17)Social economy missions (due September 26)Development of sustainable tourism and support for SMEs in the sector (due Oct. 24)

European calls for proposals expiring in Media and Information:

Media freedom and investigative journalism (due September 27)Media education for all (due September 30)Altiero Spinelli Prize 2019 (due Oct. 29)