
The Guide to EU Projects and Funding is more than a Guide: it’s a free, up-to-date reference you can take everywhere with you.

A container of news, updates, calls for proposals, insights, training materials, and more to understand the workings and structure of European funds and help you properly develop a project.

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It is a compass on EU projects and funding, with the elements to understand it, delve into it, follow it.
It is a "Wiki" tool, free, always accessible and up-to-date, with simple and intuitive structure and language
It is a true library that collects, organizes, and provides access to the most interesting and accredited external materials
It is a tool that "empowers," presenting keys to understanding, practical tools, ideas and experiences

The Guide News

Managing the partnership: the Consortium Agreement

06 Sep 2024

Let’s delve into the topic of partnership: what to include in a Consortium Agreement?

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Consortium Agreement

Read more atthe European calls for proposals

In this section we present a periodic review of European calls for proposals and the Infobandi database created by CSVnet (the network of Italian CSVs) that reports on the main funding opportunities for third sector and beyond.

European, the new Guide to EU Projects and Funding podcast

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