The year 2021 marked the beginning of new programming and the sixth year of operation for the Europlanning Guide-a big thank you to all our readers.

A breakthrough year

The year 2021 was a watershed year for europlanning: it is a year in which a new cycle of EU fund programming was launched, and not just any cycle.

Along with “normal” programming, the largest recovery and revitalization program in the history of the EU has kicked off, marking–by its implementation methods and implications–a major milestone in the process of European construction; as well as a great sign of hope in the most serious economic and social crisis of the postwar period.

In recounting the main events of the past year, which was marked by a great deal of work on the part of the EU institutions, we cannot fail to remember with affection one of the architects: David Sassoli, who was president of the European Parliament until his untimely departure, a few days ago.

It is our duty to dedicate to his memory this year of important achievements, continuing his and our commitment to building the Europe of tomorrow .


Europlanning: the events of 2021

Europlanning 2021 opened with the good news of the approval of the “package” of regulations related to the new seven-year financial framework and the Recovery Facility, which took place in late December and was long awaited.

After a few months devoted to subsequent formal validations, regulations for the various community programs were gradually approved in a process that continued for most of the year. Starting in the spring, the first work plans were published, and the first calls for proposals followed. As of the summer , and even more so with the autumn and the winter , new programming has fully entered into full swing.

Our Guide has given visibility to this process, with successive thematic presentations of major community programs . The process is slower for the Structural Funds and for programs of territorial cooperation , which require additional steps and approvals at the national and regional levels.

In parallel, preparations were made for the launch of funding from the Recovery Facility : Between July and August, the Italian PNRR was approved, the dedicated portal was launched, and the first tranche of funds was disbursed. At the end of the year, it was confirmed that the first NRP targets had been met and the second tranche of EU payments had arrived.


Guide to europlanning: what’s new in 2021

These important events have enlivened the pages of our Guide throughout the year. In parallel, we proposed new guides and tools on different aspects of europlanning and answered new “ frequently asked questions “, often inspired by topical issues.

Most importantly, this breakthrough year was an opportunity to propose a completely revamped Guide to Europlanning completely renewed in form and content.

The new Guide offers a dynamic home page, smart tags, search tools, an even clearer, richer and more comprehensive structure, downloadable pdf content, a section dedicated to videos and webinars, and a strengthened newsletter and social presence with more content.

Most of the sections have been updated to 2021-2027 programming and significantly expanded in terms of themes and depth; the last two sections (sect. 5 and 6) will be updated when the relevant Programs are approved. A simple prospectus that allows you to “browse” all information and sources on European programs from a single page.


A year together with you

None of this would have been possible without the support of our readers. It is satisfying to be able to grow together with an increasingly large, interested and active community. Your input and proposals, which come to us daily through social e via e-mail , allow us to continuously improve our content and address new and interesting issues.

Here are some of the numbers we reached together during this year:

Page views: 339,857

Facebook followers: 8,635

Newsletter subscribers: 12,265

For all this we thank you and wish you a good year, full of new projects.